- Latest Version of Aptana Studio.
if you don't have aptana studio you can download aptana studio from here - WAMP.
if you don't have WAMP , you can download WAMP from here - Xdebug.
if you have Xdebug you can download Xdebug from here** You can check whether Xdebug is already installed inside your WAMP server by searching for "[XDebug]" section on your php.ini file.
- Install and Setup Aptana Studio
- Install and Setup WAMP
- Configure Xdebug in WAMPTo enable XDebug, locate the [XDebug] section in the php.ini file and update it as follows:
zend_extension="[Path To WAMP]\php\ext\php_xdebug.dll"
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_handler = "dbgp"
xdebug.remote_host = ""
xdebug.remote_port = 9000
- Open Window->Preferences.
- In the Preferences dialog navigate to Aptana Studio >> Editors >> PHP >> PHP Interpreters.
- Add Xdebug( PHP interpreter ) by giving the php information. Select the php.exe from WAMP.
- In the Preferences dialog, open Aptana Studio -> Web Servers and Create a new Web Sever using "New".
- Choose Simple Web Server.
Enter the data for the localhost server .
- Open Run ->Debug Configurations from the menu options.
- Select the "PHP Web Page" Choose New Launch Configuration.
Enter the field values and Apply.
Aptana Studio will automatically open the Debug Perspective and continue to debug. You can now debug your php web project just like you debug java applications in eclips.